The Deep Waters Port of Posorja captured 10% market share in 2021

The Posorja Smart Deep Water Port has a 35% transshipment load.

The Posorja Smart Deep Water Port has managed to capture 10% market share and has 35% of transshipment cargo, according to DP World in Ecuador.

It has been in operation for two years and there is an ongoing investment that will amount to $1.2 billion.

According to DP World in Ecuador, the Posorja Deepwater Port competes with important ports on the west coast of the South Pacific.

Regarding productivity, they reached movements of 47.1, “this translates into each crane loading or unloading 47.1 containers every hour,” the statement says.

In addition, they highlight the historical record obtained by the Port after receiving a Post Panamax vessel with a draft of 14.65 meters. This ship recorded the largest draft that has docked on the Ecuadorian coast.

In the previous year, DP World has positioned itself as a leading port in the country, obtaining first place as an employer brand in the port sector (360 fairs).

The President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso, visited the port facilities in the middle of that year and on that tour he expressed: “These facilities are the symbol of that modern Ecuador that all Ecuadorians should dream of. A Government that understands that its best ally is the private sector allows investments to generate employment, development and opportunities (…)”.

The port operator highlights that in 2021 there were 881 days without accidents with serious injuries in the Port of Posorja and 475 days in the Logistics Center in Durán. Likewise, investment in infrastructure and technology stands out.

Meanwhile, in 2021 the DP World Logistics Center in Durán completed one year of operation. These facilities are located in a strategic industrial area and have a portfolio of integrated logistics services such as: empty container warehouse, container yard and cargo warehouses.